Ajaibeh fadha kulhithah

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MVR 85.00
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During school holidays, Dhonthi and her family visits an island that has a mangrove. Dhonthi ends up discovering the extraordinary nature of these mangroves through different activities. She saw firsthand the different types of plants, fish and birds that lived there and the benefits of having a mangrove. She also learnt about the causes of mangrove habitat destruction and what we could do to protect and conserve them. By the end of the trip, Dhonthi found mangroves really fascinating and fell in love with this habitat. 

  • Level: Vaahakain Mauloomaathu: 9+yrs/fluent readers

  • Book no: 2

  • Level description: Illustrated children's fictional storybooks packed with information and facts related to specific topics.

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3 x 148 x 210 mm
91.00 g

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